Monday, April 30, 2012

Trip Back Home to Vancouver

During my time off in between semesters we had the chance to go home to Vancouver for a visit.  It had been a year since we had been home and so we were looking forward to spending time with friends and family.  Shyla's mother was also hosting a baby shower for her, which Shyla was quite excited for.

We began our journey on Wednesday afternoon when we traveled to Boise to stay the night with Shyla's brother Damon.  While there we enjoyed some good food and fun with brothers and their families.

We continued our journey on Thursday and were able to spend the evening and the next few days with Chase's parents.  It was a fun visit and we really enjoyed catching up with them.  We were able to go out to a few of our favorite restaurants with them, Billygans Steakhouse and Buffalo Wild Wings.  We of course enjoyed spending time with Baxter, Cary and Robyn's dog.  He was full of energy and excited to play but also loved to lay in your lap when you'd let him.  During those few days we were able to do some shopping, visit Home Depot, and catch up with a few friends.  It was a good few days, mainly because we got to visit and relax with Chase's parents.

On Saturday we migrated over to the Buol residence where we would spend the rest of our time in Vancouver.  Saturday was a very busy day because Shyla spent the morning and afternoon helping her mother prepare for her baby shower.  Pamela and Shyla were very grateful for their wonderful supporting cast that helped to prepare for the shower as well.  While Shyla was in the house playing around, Chase was outside spending some good quality time with Michael, Shyla's dad.

Saturday evening Shyla had her baby shower.  It turned out to have quite the turnout as roughly 40 women showed up in support of Shyla and Makennly.  Shyla enjoyed visiting with everyone that came and even had some fun playing games with them.  Shyla was grateful for all of the gifts that she received and it took her almost an hour to open all of them.  Overall, Shyla says it was a lot of fun and she appreciates all the love and support that she received from family and friends.  Our car was completely filled with various baby items and clothes as we drove home (we literally couldn't fit anything else).

It was a fun filled weekend that we truly enjoyed.  We are thankful to be able to go home and visit and feel the love and support of our family and friends.  We appreciate all the gifts we received for Makennly.  Of course we are excited as ever to welcome her to our lives.  We are thrilled to be parents and impatiently wait her arrival.  She is growing everyday and enjoys kicking mom around. Shyla is still doing well and will be starting her last trimester this next week.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Ok everyone, I'm usually not the type of person to do this type of thing but because we have a little one on the way I figured that I would start a blog so it is everyone for everyone to follow the progress of Shyla's pregnancy and also our family after she is born.  We are very excited to be having a little girl.  She is due to enter our lives on July 27, 2012.  We have chosen the name of Makennly to be her name.  Shyla is doing well and her belly is growing and growing.  I am excited because I am starting to feel her kick more and more.  We are very excited and just hope that she is born as a healthy baby. More posts to come soon!